Build a Mosque and Build your House in Paradise
Assalamu Alaikum,
In this blessed month of Ramadan, Islamic Community Center of Lancaster invites you to:
Fundraising Iftar
Saturday, March 8th after Maghrib Prayers
at ICCL - 227 N Queen Street, 3rd Floor, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Support ICCL to build a Mosque and build your house in Jannah
ICCL is a Non-profit organization with the 501-C status and your donations are Tax-deductible and Zakat-eligible.
Donations can be made to ICCL at the Fundraising event or anytime via the following ways:-
1. Securely donate with PayPal or credit card online
2. Mail a check made out to:
Islamic Community Center of Lancaster (ICCL)
1002 Lititz Pike, Suite 294
Lititz, PA 17543
3. Pay in person as cash/check/Credit card/Money Order at Masjid
4. Pay cash by Zelle use email
5. Venmo @icclpa
May Allah reward you for your support and donations for your center.
Jazak Allahu Khairan,
Islamic Community Center of Lancaster
also registered as the Islamic Center of Lancaster
Street Address: 227 N. Queen St., Lancaster, PA 17603
Mailing Address: 1002 Lititz Pike, Suite 294, Lititz, PA 17543 - (717) 546 - 4225 -
You can now also Donate using PayPal Venmo (@icclpa) Zelle (