New Masjid Building Fund

New Masjid Building Fund

$437,893   of   $1,300,000

40% Complete (success)


Mohammad Khan:  "Jazak'Allah to the ICCL board and community members. I have prayed Jumah there for around 6 months. Masha'Allah great community."

Peace on Earth

Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a world of peace and beauty

"Please know that the hateful words of a few will never overpower the loving words of the many. You are a welcome and valued part of our community and our lives. Our country is a richer tapestry because you are here and because we can learn, and grow, and live side by side with you. May this seaon and the years ahead bring us all joy and hope but, most especially, PEACE!"

With love,

- S and family

Dear Congregation Members,

Wishing you peace, love, hope, joy and friendship during this holy season.

- CR