New Masjid Building Fund

New Masjid Building Fund

$437,893   of   $1,300,000

40% Complete (success)
Past Event General Gathering      Published: Tue, Apr 4, 2023 7:09 am

Book Signing event with Dr. Shahid Babar

Assalam alaikum,

You are cordially invited to join the ICCL for a Book Signing event with Dr. Shahid Babar who has published his research about the Fundamental article of Islam: “Divine Will and Predestination – Theological & Philosophical perspectives”,
available via major online bookstores, including Amazon:

Saturday, April 8, 2023
7:30-8:30 PM

held in conjunction with
Maghrib prayer and Community Iftar Dinner Reception

Islamic Community Center of Lancaster
227 N Queen St., 3rd Floor, Lancaster, PA 17603

The event is free and open to the community but RSVP is recommended.
We look forward to seeing you there!

ICCL Book Signing Event
April 8th Saturday Evening 7:30 to 8:30p
At ICCL – 227 N Queen Street, Suite 3, Lancaster, PA 17603

Introducing a book by Dr. Shahid Babar, written about the Fundamental article of Islam: “Divine Will and Predestination – Theological & Philosophical perspectives”, available via major online bookstores, including Amazon:
►All the proceeds from book-sales will go towards ‘Charitable causes’.

The author discusses notions of ‘Destiny’ and ‘Human Freewill’, and explores the understanding of this difficult subject based on Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions. In addition, the book provides critical analysis of view-points of various Eastern and Western Scholars and Philosophers on this topic. The author highlights the effects of belief in Predestination on one’s life and evaluates its tremendous relevance for Muslims in current times.



Islamic Community Center
227 N Queen St
3rd Floor
Lancaster, PA 17603

  This location has Wudu facility
