New Masjid Building Fund

New Masjid Building Fund

$437,893   of   $1,300,000

40% Complete (success)
Past Event General Gathering      Published: Fri, Mar 10, 2023 12:43 pm

Community Planning Event for Arabic Speakers

CWS and the City of Lancaster are holding a community meeting with Arabic Speakers to get their input on the City’s Comprehensive Plan—a 20-year planning document that will guide the City’s growth and allocate resources. We think it’s really wonderful that the City wants to hear from immigrants about this plan and hope we can get a lot of city residents out to the event.

Community Planning Event: Arabic Speakers
City of Lancaster and CWS
Friday, March 10 6pm-8pm
Southern Market Building, Conference Room B
100 S Queen St
Food provided: Layali El Sham


Southern Market Building, Conference Room B
100 S Queen St
Lancaster, PA 17603

  This location has Wudu facility
